Sunday, July 31, 2011

Luis Figo's wife - Helen Sevedin

Helen Svedin is a Swedish model. The face of H&M - Svedin is married to former Portuguese footballer Luís Figo. They have three daughters together: Daniela (born 1999), Martina (born 2002), and Stella (born 2004), and they are expecting a fourth child.

Helen Svedin es una modelo. La cara de H & M - Svedin está casada con el ex futbolista portugués Luis Figo. Tienen tres hijas: Daniela (nacida 1999), Martina (nacida 2002) y Stella (nacido en 2004), y están esperando un cuarto hijo.

Let's continue:)

Victoria Beckham, wife of David Beckham. For many people she is the fashion icon No.1. Always beautifully dressed from head to toe, always ultra modern, rightly deserves the epithet fashion icon Nо.1 :)

Victoria Beckham, esposa de David Beckham. Para muchas personas es el icono de la moda No.1. Siempre muy bien vestida de pies a cabeza, siempre ultra moderna, con razón merece el epíteto de icono de la moda.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sara Carbonero

Sara Carbonero is a Spanish TV presenter for Telecinco and sports journalist. In July 2009, Carbonero, the girlfriend of Spanish international footballer Iker Casillas, was voted "Sexiest Reporter in the World" by FHM USA. During the 2010 FIFA World Cup it was alleged that Sara, reporting during the match between Spain and Switzerland, had distracted her boyfriend, causing the unexpected Swiss victory.

Sara Carbonero es una presentadora de televisión española Telecinco y de periodista deportivo. En julio de 2009, Carbonero, la novia del futbolista internacional español Iker Casillas, fue votado como el "reportero más atractivas del mundo" por FHM EE.UU.. Durante la Copa Mundial FIFA 2010 se denunció que Sara, la presentación de informes durante el partido entre España y Suiza, se había distraído de su novio, lo que la victoria suiza inesperado.

So what do you think about her dress style?

Entonces, qué piensa usted acerca de su manera de vestir?

Football players wives/ girlfriends/ Totti's wife Ilary Blasi

Here is an Italian beauty who is the wife of footballer - Francesco Totti. Besides being very beautiful and attractive woman, Ilary has a wonderful style of dress.

Esta es una belleza italiana que es la esposa del futbolista - Francesco Totti. Además de ser una mujer muy bella y atractiva, Ilary tiene un maravilloso estilo de vestir.

Football players wives/ girlfriends

I've decided to dedicate this post and several subsequent posts to tham - football players wives or girlfriends :)We'll start with Michael Ballack's wife - Simone Lambe. Michael and Simone have three children - Louise, Emilio and Jordi.

He decidido dedicar este post y varios puestos con posterioridad a ellas - a las mujeres y las novias de fútbolistas :)Vamos a empezar con la esposa de Michael Ballack - Simone Lambe. Michael y Simone tiene tres hijos - Louise, Emilio y Jordi.

Her wedding dress/Su vestido de novia

Other combinations/otras combinaciones

Are you a fan of glamorous dresses?

I like long glamorous dresses. And I think every girl in her closet must have at least one long dress. Yes, these are dresses that never go out of fashion. They were modern twenty or thirty years ago, they are modern today, and i belive that they will be modern and in the future.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Mother of the bride :)

Хмммм.... овие неколку почетни блогови се посветив на свадбите. Овој блог одлучив да им го посветам на мајките на невестите и на свекрвите :). Да, на свадбата, невестата е таа која треба да блесне и кон која треба да бидат вперени сите погледи, но мајката на невестат и свекрвата исто така треба да изгледаат убаво, секако во согласност со нивните години. Затоа издвоив неколку комбинации неменети тукму за нив.

1. Костими и кратки фустани

2. Долги фустани